People API : Access millions of up-to-date records.

  • On-demand People data
  • Secure and GDPR compliant
  • Get data in one-click
  • Build to scale


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people data records

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Fight Fraud & Boost Sales

Enhance your sales approach by using precise and compliant data to ensure every decision is supported by trustworthy insights.

Fraud prevention

Our solution help you to confidently detect and classify suspicious person.

Identify Your Contacts

By knowing who is contacting you, you can decide whether you like to respond or not.

Optimize Prospecting

Develop your data repository with high-quality leads, guided by buyer intent data.

Data We Offer

  "date": "2024-08-22T16:13:51+02:00",
  "type": "person",
  "input_search": {
    "full_name": "julien martel"
  "status": "found",
  "id": 9876543210123,
  "fullname": "Julien Martel",
  "firstname": "Julien",
  "lastname": "Martel",
  "gender": "male",
  "age": 35,
  "birth_date": "1989-04-22",
  "email": "",
  "emails": ["",
  "phones": ["+33678901234"],
  "address": {
    "city": "Lyon",
    "country_code": "FRANCE",
    "postal_code": "69001",
    "street_line_1": "12 Rue de la République"
  "linkedIn_url": "",
  "facebook_url": "",
  "twitter_url": "",
  "image_url": ""

Instantly Accessible People Data

People data covers key information, including details like the full name, localization, email and the threat level. The data you receive through the People API is carefully parsed and always up-to-data.

You can access the full API API reference in our self-service tool dedicated for you.

Simplified API Management with Our Self-Service Tool

Manage everything efficiently from a single, centralized platform.

API integration in just 3 clicks

Contact our team

Our experts can assist with implementation, or you can easily integrate it yourself.

Choose the API that matches your needs

We enable you to query either person data, company data, or both.

Keep your data up-to-date

Configure your API to update regularly, ensuring that your data remains fresh and accurate.


Contact our team

Our experts can assist with implementation, or you can easily integrate it yourself.

Choose the API that matches your needs

We enable you to query either person data, company data, or both.


Keep your data up-to-date

Configure your API to update regularly, ensuring that your data remains fresh and accurate.

Innovating Across Multiple Industries

We provide versatile solutions tailored to various industries and specific business needs.

Fraud & Identity

Leverage customer information to detect fake identities during onboarding and registration.

Sales & Marketing

Eenrich your sales and marketing data to improve customer engagement, and enhance lead generation.

HR tech

Enrich candidate data with detailed resume attributes, contact information, and additional insights.

Investment Intelligence

Stay ahead in the market by leveraging key company insights for smarter investment decisions.


Ensuring gdpr compliance by scanning
publicly available data.


Supporting smooth

Integration is not as hard as you think, we promise.

Are you ready to dive into the data?