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advanced filtersCompany data API enables you to extract valuable insights about businesses, offering the intelligence needed to inform investment decisions.
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"date": "2024-08-22T16:09:07+02:00",
"status": "found",
"type": "company",
"input_search": {
"id": 9876543210987,
"creation_date": "1990-11-15",
"last_update_date": "2024-07-28",
"siret": "12345678901234",
"siren": "12345678900056",
"vat": "FR99123456789",
"legal": "SARL à associé unique",
"capital": "5000000",
"capital_currency": "EUR",
"convention": "2594",
"address": {
"street_line_1": "45 AVENUE DES CHAMPS-ÉLYSÉES",
"city": "PARIS",
"postal_code": "75008",
"country_code": "FRANCE"
"ape": "6201Z",
"financials": {
"last_sales": 985000000,
"last_profit": 25000000,
"last_staff": 1200,
"years": [
"year": "2023",
"profit": 25000000,
"closing_date": "2023-03-31",
"profit_metadata": {
"estimated": false
"last_staff_sources": [
"source": "RncsBILANS",
"value": 1200,
"date": "2023-01-01",
"estimated": false
"contacts": {
"main_corporate_officier": {
"civility": "Mr",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "DOE",
"name": "John DOE"
"corporate_officiers": [
"civility": "Mr",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "DOE",
"name": "John DOE"
"lastName": "AUDITEX SA",
"name": "AUDITEX SA",
"role": "Commissaire aux comptes titulaire"
"lastName": "EXPERTIS SA",
"name": "EXPERTIS SA",
"role": "Commissaire aux comptes suppléant"
"email": "contact@megacorp.com",
"emails": [
"value": "contact@megacorp.com",
"type": "generic",
"email_test_result": "Valid"
"phones": [
"value": "01 23 45 67 89"
Company data covers key information, including details like SIREN, SIRET, VAT, total capital, localization, main corporate officers as well as graph. The data you receive through the Company API is meticulously parsed and kept up-to-data.
You can explore a comprehensive API reference in our self-service tool dedicated for you.
Centralize everything in only one unique place.
Our experts can assist with implementation, or you can easily integrate it yourself.
We enable you to query either person data, company data, or both.
Configure your API to update regularly, ensuring that your data remains fresh and accurate.
Our experts can assist with implementation, or you can easily integrate it yourself.
We enable you to query either person data, company data, or both.
Configure your API to update regularly, ensuring that your data remains fresh and accurate.
We provide versatile solutions tailored to various industries and specific business needs.
Leverage customer information to detect fake identities during onboarding and registration.
Eenrich your sales and marketing data to improve customer engagement, and enhance lead generation.
Enrich candidate data with detailed resume attributes, contact information, and additional insights.
Stay ahead in the market by leveraging key company insights for smarter investment decisions.
Ensuring gdpr compliance by scanning
publicly available data.
Integration is not as hard as you think, we promise.